Blogger Widgets Read between the lines: Comfort Zone


Hay House, Inc.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Comfort Zone

Progress is made by doing what you have not done before. To
truly grow stronger, you must step beyond what is
comfortable and familiar.

Just outside your door is a whole wonderful world of new
possibilities. And with those new possibilities come new and
difficult challenges.

Go ahead, and have the courage to open that door and to step
outside your comfort zone. For though the challenges are
many, the rewards are more valuable than you can imagine.

You are designed and equipped and intended for great things.
You are flexible and adaptable and creative and intelligent
enough to successfully handle whatever you encounter.

Beyond the comfort of what you already know, you'll find the
wonder and magnificence of all you can become. Go explore
and fulfill the very best possibilities.

mee mOe

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♥♥♥♥♥♥♥My other blog; ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥1. Across this bridge2. Struggling parents3. When life become a book4. Read Between the Lines5. The Sleeping Turtle Art Gallery6. Layout Marketing7. Internet Lifestyle8. Marketing Myself

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Vanishing fear

Your thoughts are what frighten you. Choose to change them, and the fear is gone.